
The Divorce



Whether you are sure or unsure that your marriage is over, knowing all the facts will empower you make decisions that are right for you, especially during such an overwhelming time full of unknowns. 

We will guide you through the process and at every step provide you with the support you need to make it as stress free as possible. 

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Child Arrangements

As of April 2022, either party to the marriage may apply for a divorce where their marriage has “irretrievably broken down”.  The application for divorce can also be made jointly.

Prior to April 2022, the previous divorce law required one party to prove that the marriage had irretrievably broken down by relying on one of five facts:

  1. Unreasonable behaviour;
  2. Adultery;
  3. Two years’ separation where both parties consent to divorce;
  4. Five years’ separation, which did not require the other party’s consent;
  5. Desertion

This proof is no longer required and parties can now rely on a no fault divorce, allowing formalising a divorce to take place without the need for blame.  Moreover, the law now removes the option for a divorce to be contested except on very limited technical grounds.

The Stages of Divorce

With the introduction of the ‘No Fault Divorce’, there are now four main stages to the English divorce process:

Divorce Application

Minimum 20 Week waiting period following Divorce Application

Conditional Order

Final Order

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